§ 53B-2a-112. College campuses -- Relationships with other public and higher education institutions -- Agreements -- Priorities -- New capital facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (1) As used in this section, "higher education institution" means, for each college campus, the higher education institution designated in Section 53B-2a-108 that has a representative on its campus board of directors.
    (2) A college campus shall avoid any unnecessary duplication of career and technical education instructional facilities, programs, administration, and staff between the college campus and other public and higher education institutions.
    (3) A college campus may enter into agreements:
    (a) with other higher education institutions to cultivate cooperative relationships;
    (b) with other public and higher education institutions to enhance career and technical education within its region; or
    (c) to comply with Subsection (2).
    (4) Before a college campus develops its own new instructional facilities, it shall give priority to:
    (a) maintaining its own existing instructional facilities for both secondary and adult students;
    (b) coordinating with the president of a higher education institution and entering into any necessary agreements to provide career and technical education to both secondary and adult students that:
    (i) maintain and support existing higher education career and technical education programs; and
    (ii) maximize the use of existing higher education facilities; and
    (c) developing cooperative agreements with school districts, charter schools, other higher education institutions, businesses, industries, and community and private agencies to maximize the availability of career and technical education instructional facilities for both secondary and adult students.
    (a) Before submitting a funding request pertaining to new capital facilities and land purchases to the Utah College of Applied Technology, a college campus shall:
    (i) ensure that all available instructional facilities are maximized in accordance with Subsections (4)(a) through (c); and
    (ii) coordinate the request with the president of a higher education institution, if applicable.
    (b) The State Building Board shall make a finding that the requirements of this section are met before it may consider a funding request of the Utah College of Applied Technology pertaining to new capital facilities and land purchases.
    (c) A college campus may not construct, approve the construction of, plan for the design or construction of, or consent to the construction of a career and technical education facility without approval of the Legislature.
    (6) Before acquiring new fiscal and administrative support structures, a college campus shall:
    (a) review the use of existing public or higher education administrative and accounting systems, financial record systems, and student and financial aid systems for the delivery of career and technical education in the region;
    (b) determine whether it is feasible to use those existing systems; and
    (c) with the approval of the campus board of directors and the board of trustees, use those existing systems.
Amended by Chapter 346, 2009 General Session